December 2016 – week 1

Welcome, December!

We can’t believe that it is already December, the last month of the year. Since August, our little sprouts have improved a lot in many ways. Their social skills, vocabulary, and physical abilities have grown tremendously. Above all, they really enjoy their time in Candler Park Day School.

Since the weather last week wasn’t very great to play outside, we decided to have fun inside. (Click on photos)

Congratulations, Hutchinson! We were so happy that we got to celebrate his second birthday together. Thank you so much Hutch’s mom and dad for reading a book and bringing delicious cupcakes and goody bags for everyone. Everyone loved their presents! (Click on photos)

We learned how to say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish and made stockings to hang on the fireplace. Our little sprouts look much more comfortable with art activities these days. Wonderful! (Click on Photos)

Thank you, Emmy’s mom and dad, for bringing yummy apple sauce and goldfish for snacks. Everyone enjoyed them a lot and asked “more” many times.  (Click on photos)

We can’t wait to have more fun this week with our little sprouts!




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